Friday, March 17, 2017

experiment #2

The world is just like ours except all of the houses are completely see through.

The world is just like ours except education is not required for anyone but it is available.

The world is just like ours except college is free.

The world is just like ours except all personal technology (cell phones, lap tops, etc.) has become illegal.

The world is just like ours except everyone speaks their own language.

The world is just like ours except teenagehood lasts for a duration of fifty years.

The world is just like ours except your memory only has the capacity to remember one day before it.

The world is just like ours except the color red doesn't exist.

The world is just like ours except all swear words have been banned.

The world is just like ours except you have the ability to decide how long you wish to remain under 30.

The world is just like ours except giraffes have become regular house pets.

The world is just like ours except the you can choose one superpower at the age of 10.

The world is just like ours except orange juice is what we need to drink to stay alive, not water.

The world is just like ours except scantrons are taken with pen instead of pencil.

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